Psalm 46:10 – Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth (ESV).
Prayer is best understood as a two-way communication. Of course, God wants us to bring our prayer requests to Him and lay all our cares at His feet. However, He also has a longing to speak to us as well. Jesus told us, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27, ESV). He is our Good Shepherd who loves to talk to us; we can hear His voice!
Have you ever had a friend or a family member that was a chatter-box? Conversations with that person are often one-sided with little opportunity to insert a word into the dialogue. Perhaps you had something to add to the discussion; however, the opportunity never was there. Unfortunately, we often approach our Heavenly Father with the same chatter-box attitude. We are so busy presenting our requests or even praising Him for His goodness that we fail to “be still” and allow Him to speak to us.
I remember hearing a minister tell about a time he was facing a difficult situation. He spent several minutes talking and re-hashing the problem to the LORD. Finally, at one point, he stopped and thought, “Here I am, someone who knows nothing about what I should do - doing all the talking to the One who knows everything about what I should do!” He stopped and listened. The LORD spoke to him and gave him clear direction about the solution to his problem.
Today let’s spend our prayer focus today being still before the LORD. Make time and opportunity to hear God speak. If you are His sheep, you do hear His voice. Resist the temptation to be impatient, and enjoy the time with the One who loves you the most!